
I used to consider myself a complete failure in the domestic realm. I didn’t do any crafts and my idea of a “home cooked meal” was boiled frozen ravioli smothered with a jar of spaghetti sauce. (Not that there is anything wrong with that.) During Thanksgiving of 2004, I watched my mother knit and was inspired to pick up two pointy wooden sticks and a ball of furry red yarn. That was the beginning of my crafting career. I have knit scarves, hats, bags, and sweaters, but my current obsession is socks. Specifically, socks knit with luxurious hand-dyed merino yarns.

In 2006, I developed an interest in cooking and baking. I think it was because I got tired of eating the same five dinners over and over again. I have always loved sweets, so delving into baking wasn’t that much of a stretch. I purchased cookbooks and my husband and I began experimenting with recipes. Hubby likes to call himself my “helper boy” – I find the recipes and provide directions, while he chops everything and helps me throw it all together. While we are very, very far from being gourmet cooks, we enjoy the process of creating a meal together and learning as we go along.

I also enjoy sewing, mostly accessories. I could spend hours looking at pretty fabrics.

Our baby girl (a.k.a. Sprout) was born in 2011, and she lights up our world. While I have limited free time these days, I still cherish crafting as a way for me to relax, and to connect with the person I was before I became Mama.

This is the space where I document my domestic adventures. I hope you enjoy the journey with me.


2 Comments on “About”

  1. Alex Lawrence says:

    Hi Caitlin, I discovered your site when I Googled the Central Park Hoodie (I’m trying to find the perfect yarn to embark in my own and have just about settled on Cascade 220, which I now see is what you used and it looks great!). You’ve got some fab stuff here (I’ve got to try those chic chip muffins!) and I’m looking forward to exploring some more. Anyway, just wanted to say hi from small town Australia and thanks for sharing so much inspirational stuff. 🙂

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