Classic Banana Bundt Cake

Classic Banana Bundt Cake

This recipe is from Dorie Greenspan’s Baking: From My Home to Yours. I made it for the first time two summers ago, using an angel food cake pan because I didn’t even own a bundt pan. I remember two distinct things from that experience:
(1) The cake looked really, really ugly (probably because I used the incorrect pan). So I didn’t blog about it because it was extremely un-photogenic.
(2) My colleagues at work raved about it.

A couple of weeks ago I finally bought a bundt pan so I decided to try this cake again. It was good, but I think my favorite is still the recipe from Martha Stewart’s Baking Handbook. But I am sure I will find some other goodie for this pan!


A couple of months ago I made chili for the first time, and I wanted to find an accompanying cornbread recipe. Beth suggested Grandmother’s Buttermilk Cornbread from, and Hubby said it was a winner!


Pumpkin Bread

Pumpkin Bread

I baked Pumpkin Bread the night before Thanksgiving using Elise’s recipe found here. It was delicious, and I’m looking forward to using my leftover canned pumpkin to bake another loaf.

Slices of Cocoa-Nana Bread


shared with co-workers.  Intensely chocolate-y but the banana flavor still comes through. Recipe in Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Highlights From My Weekend

Received my second Piddleloop small project pouch. If you are searching for a practical and stylish way to tote around your sock projects, look no further. These pouches are simply awesome.

Gifted with this lovely book by Joyce. So many enticing projects!

Started another sock. Hubby and I went to an NBA game and the sock made the time go by quickly!

Baked banana bread using the recipe from Martha Stewart’s Baking Handbook. This has become our all-time favorite banana bread. Even if it’s not low-fat.

Sewed two zippered pouches and a tissue holder. Both pouches are lined with fleece. Hubby is using his pouch to hold a saxophone mouthpiece, and I’m using mine for my iPod.

Hope you enjoyed a good weekend as well!

More Food

I realize that this is a knitting blog, but there certainly hasn’t been much knitting around here lately. The last project I completed was back at the end of February, so it has been almost a full six months since I’ve finished anything. Unfortunately I don’t anticipate finishing a project anytime soon, but I am happy to report that I picked up the needles again and started another Clapotis. I’ll show a photo once I have made more progress.

In the meantime, I’ll ramble about baking and cooking. Here is what we’ve been eating lately:

Banana Bread — this is the second time that I used the low-fat banana bread recipe from How To Bake. The first time the loaf came out gigantic (i.e. sandwich-bread sized slices in the middle of the loaf), so I wanted to see if I would get the same result again.

I did.


Now, I am not a banana bread expert, but doesn’t that loaf look unnaturally high? I used the right size loaf pan and the exact amounts of baking powder and baking soda listed in the recipe. If I ever make this again, I’m dividing the batter into two pans and going for short, stubby loaves. Trek kindly shared her low-fat banana bread recipe with me, so I will try that one next.

Broiled Salmon

We had some very yummy salmon at a friend’s house awhile back. We asked for her recipe and used it several times already. We like the light, slightly sweet flavor. Here is the recipe:

1/3 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup water
1/4 cup oil
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons of lemon juice [I used bottled]
salt and pepper to taste

– Combine all marinade ingredients in a large ziploc bag.
– Cut salmon into serving size pieces. Put the salmon pieces into the ziploc bag, push the air out, and seal the bag. Marinate for at least 4 hours.
– Turn on your oven to broil (low broil if you have the option) and let your oven heat up for a few minutes.
– Lay salmon on cooking sheet and sprinkle each piece with black pepper.
– Bake for ~15 min. or until top edges are turning brown.

Beef Burgundy Slow Cooker Recipe from the Make it Simple special issue of Cooking Light (currently on newsstands) — I have two slow cookers, and haven’t used either one in about two years. I had given up on the slow cooker approach because I had a couple of dishes turn out really yucky. But this particular recipe looked promising, so I was optimistic. I didn’t make any modifications.


I feel ambivalent about it. It turns out that neither Hubby nor I like pearl onions and there was a whole 14 oz package in here. There is something else I don’t like about the taste, but I can’t put my finger on exactly what it is. Overly tart is the best description I can think of, but even that isn’t exactly it. We did have to skim off the fat. The recipe called for lean beef stew meat, but I just bought the meat labeled “beef for stew” so it probably wasn’t particularly lean. The meat seemed overcooked to me so maybe I cut the pieces too small. Hubby thought it tasted fine. I didn’t think it was disgusting (which is a nice improvement from previous slow cooker meals), but I don’t know if I would make it again. If you have a slow cooker recipe that you love, please share it with me!

Cajun Oven-Fried Chicken from Cooking Light — Modifications – we used all drumsticks, removed the skin, and soaked the chicken in buttermilk for about 4 hours. The drumsticks came out very tender and tasted good. The exterior wasn’t crispy, but I didn’t mind that at all. Next time I might try using Bisquick instead of Panko just to see if there is any difference.


I have no idea what we’ll be eating for dinner next week — we might go the easy route and make tacos with packaged seasoning — but I’m planning to bake blueberry muffins tomorrow. My muffin pan has been sitting unused for two years so it’s time to put it to work.

Hope you enjoy a lovely weekend!